Cardano Nfts Nft Games Nft Utility

Clumsy Valley floor rises 75% on game sneaks

February 2024- Cardano Nft project Clumsy Ghosts Nfts saw its land design collection Clumsy Valley floor rise from 25ada to 44ada on marketplace in January thanks to some amazing sneak peek images announced by the team. The sneaks, like the one below, were from work on the much anticipated Clumsy Valley game currently in […]

Cardano Nfts Cardano Tokens

Hoarders $fuse Releases at 660/ada

Jaunary 2024- Much anticipated Cardano token $fuse from Hoarder’s Collection launched on Minswap for early price of 660to1 ada, or 0.00147$ada. This is roughly the Whitelist price and bodes well for the utility token planned to be the currency of the Hoarder’s Collection ecosystem. More here

Cardano Nfts Cardano Tokens Journalist Curation Articles Nft Utility

Hoarders Launching $fuse Token

January 2024- Hoarder’s Collections (, the project team behind three major Cardano Nfts including Zombie Chains, is releasing their new Cardano utility token $fuse on January 10 Public Sale at 2:00pm EST US. Hoarder’s original collection WeirdOZ, as well as acquired collections Genesis from Collector’s Club and Zombie Chains and Zombie Hunters, are eligible for […]

Cardano Nfts Top 10 Nfts

Omen Leads Top10

January 2024- Omen Cardano nft leads the weekly Top10 with volume Ada$467,000 for the last 7 days according to analytics website. Omen OG collection minted in December and recently started a surge to 400+ floor. Referring to the Discord, Omen is introducing some novel staking options for Cardano collectors. Three other standbys, The Ape […]

Cardano Nfts Journalist Curation Articles Nft Community

Mutants Releases Marketplace

January 2024- Mutants Cardano project has released their Mutants Marketplace for collectors of the Mutants nfts. The new website is clean, easy to navigate, and vibrant, showing the latest Mutants signature collection upfront.

Cardano Nfts Jpg.Store Market Top 10 Nfts

The Ape Society Leads Top10

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Cardano Nfts Jpg.Store Market Top 10 Nfts

TAS Furniture Leads Top10

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Cardano Nfts Nft Community

Discord Community

For most nft projects, Discord plays an important role. Discord is the social media software application that provides community membership for digital projects, such as games, 3d printing, and web development. The Cardano nft project creates a discord project where members can check announcements, post messages and questions, track engagement points, and do many other […]