Cardano Nfts Nft Games Nft Utility

Clumsy Valley floor rises 75% on game sneaks

February 2024- Cardano Nft project Clumsy Ghosts Nfts saw its land design collection Clumsy Valley floor rise from 25ada to 44ada on marketplace in January thanks to some amazing sneak peek images announced by the team. The sneaks, like the one below, were from work on the much anticipated Clumsy Valley game currently in development.

Clumsy Ghosts is a unique Cardano nft project whose collections are created as SVG (scalable graphic vector) Nfts from hand-drawn characters and elements. Considered one of the pioneers of Cardano nfts and online art, the Clumsy Ghost family includes, in addition to the OG Ghosts collection and land Valley collection, the innovative Ghost Watch collection of watch face designs with dynamic feed content.

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