Cardano Nfts Top 10 Nfts

Omen Leads Top10

January 2024- Omen Cardano nft leads the weekly Top10 with volume Ada$467,000 for the last 7 days according to analytics website. Omen OG collection minted in December and recently started a surge to 400+ floor. Referring to the Discord, Omen is introducing some novel staking options for Cardano collectors. Three other standbys, The Ape […]

Cardano Nfts Nft Community

Discord Community

For most nft projects, Discord plays an important role. Discord is the social media software application that provides community membership for digital projects, such as games, 3d printing, and web development. The Cardano nft project creates a discord project where members can check announcements, post messages and questions, track engagement points, and do many other […]